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Teachers of geography have always distinguished themselves by aiming to broaden the circle of compulsory topics by the means of extracurricular work. The success of education mostly depends not only on choice of effective methods and types of education in class during lesson, but also on organization of extracurricular work on subject. Experienced teachers know that, very often, the interest to subject and the choice of a profession occurs under the influence of extracurricular work. One of the tasks of extracurricular work with students on geography is to enrich students with new, interesting facts, concepts, which reflect different sides of life of nature and society.
The most important task of extracurricular work with students on subject is strenghthen their interest in geographical science. The development of curios interest in geography on the basis of extracurricular work is provided with the attraction of the means of entertainment, the familiarity with the most important achievements of science, excursions to nature and to production sites. Extracurricular work on geography is closely related with lessons. As the teachers’ research show, the interest in studying develops curiosity in students which are characterized by the aspirates of students for deep studying of something new in a given subject the wish not to stay complacent with the superficiality phenomenon. The meaning of extracurricular work in the educational and upbringing process of general education school constantly increases, as it contributes to closer combination of theoretical knowledge with life, with practice; it forms professional interests among students. Realization of deepened attitude towards studying science through different forms of extracurricular work will let students develop artistic skills taking their individual traits into account, to work out steady interest in increasing their knowledge, aspiration to work, to teach students to independently use various sources of geographical information.
The characteristic of extracurricular work on geography is the realization of intersubject connections with various school subjects; biology, history, physics, chemistry, literature, etc. Realization of intersubjectal connections in extracurricular work causes integration and wholeness, complexity in content and organizational forms , which enable to express common in order to develop comprehensive development of a person. Integration of forms and means of extracurricular work on the basis of large arrangement, which solve several upbringing tasks, lets students form general views on the world. Apart from this, realization of intersubjectal connections on the active level enables to solve the task of forming common education of skills more successfully, provide students with the knowledge of methods of actions, and this considerably increases their independence. The hosting of extracurricular work on geography must take the requirement of constant development of extracurricular work on geography into account. In the process which is varied in its content and characteristics of the work, students acquire abilities and skills, which let them showcase their activeness and interest. Effective work of club is possible with clarified planning of work. Various kinds of activeness of students need to be reflected in the working plan of club. It is usually made with members of club, and then it is discussed and finally confirmed on the first meeting. The club meetings are usually held 1-2 times a month during the confirmed, by school’s administration, days and hours. The reportive-elective meeting of club is held in the end of academic year.
Every teacher of geography must have as much complete information as possible about the subject’s topic in the extracurricular work. The knowledge will help correctly choose the most acceptable forms and methods of work with the really existing conditions taken into account in a class and school, to use them artistically, to develop and enrich the theory with personal practical experience.
The used literature:
1. Mu motherland.the Respublic of Kazakhstan. Parfy on Geography. A.Akasheva // Geography and the nature – 2006 -№5 //
candidate of pedagogical sciences R.N. Kenjebaeva, Master of Geography G.A.Ibrayeva. lecturer A.K.Ibraimova, lecturer S.R.Nurtileuova. Extracurricular work on geography. // Современные проблемы науки и образования - 2014.-№6. (приложение "Педагогические науки"). - C. 14