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So in this paper we are going to analyze “Book of Words” by Abay Kunanbayev.
In Word One, Алла - Аллах - Allah – which is often available in this work – the translator has decided to use transliteration by transcribing the realia of the Kazakh nation, in this case the name of the Kazakh nation’s God. Hereby the translator has not used any notes, since this realia has been introduced into the international lexis and does not require any explanations. Word Two is also translated using transliteration method, for instance: Ауыл - Аul - Аул – this word can also be related to the realia of the Kazakh nation, since the Kazakh nation has this word in the meaning of the Kazakh’s settlement. Location of auls of the Kazakh nation has changed depending on the season of the year, in winter time ауыл – is called - қыстау, which is a derivative of the word қыс - зима, in summer time ауыл is called жайляу from the Kazakh word жас, which has the meaning of summer, and etc.
Word Three, which relates to the realias of the Kazakh nation and translated using transcription Бай - Bey - Бай. Herein the translator has not also given any remarks, taking into account that the reader starting to read this work filled in realias, having preliminary introduced with traditions and customs of the Kazakh nation. Accordingly, use of this method has also been justified.
In Word Five, the translator has also rendered the meaning of this word Батыр-Batyr-Батыр using transliteration. Батыр also relates to the realias of the Kazakh nation. While using this word A.Kunanbayev wanted to tell about people allotted by remarkable physical strength and intellect. A lot of people, who donated their lives owing to the future of own nation in the Kazakh nation. Among them there are Қабанбай Батыр, Наурызбай Батыр, Қобыланды Батыр – though Russian and English languages have equivalents of this word – a hero and a knight – the translator has decided to transcribe this word by transferring the realia of that time. In Word Six, the translator has also translated the words Би - Biy – Бии using a transliteration. The meaning of this realia is done as in the following: earlier there was a hard case arising between Kazakh tribes, which has been decided by people elected by the nation, who were called - би. Earlier this word has been put after the name of the judge elected by the nation, accordingly, by specifying his capacity. For instance, Aiteke Bi, Tole Bi, and etc. Currently, this realia has been displaced by its modern equivalent – судья, this word performs the same semantic function as its initial version. The judge plays the role of the person delivering judgement to the people overstepping the border of the law. The translator has chosen the method of transliteration in selection of the method of translation of this realia, which is fully justified, since, accordingly, the translator could transfer the spirit and nature of that time.
1. Abai. The Book of Words. Almaty, 1982. p. 123.
2. Алдашева А. Аударматану. – Алматы:. Жазушы., 2006. – 248 б.
Moldir B.Shoimanova, the Candidate of Philological Sciences, Gulvira Karabalayeva, the Master Student, Kazakhstan Lexical peculiarities in translation of Abay’s “Book of words” into Russian and English languages . // Современные проблемы науки и образования - 2014.-№6. (приложение "Филологические науки"). - C. 8