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Personal computer systems are equipped with software for project management, should provide the functions: work on a multi environment; calendar of grid work schedule; optimize the allocation and registration of limited resources; an analysis of "what-if"; collecting and reporting factual information about the timing, resources and costs, automated report generation; planning and control of contractual obligations; centralized storage of information on ongoing and completed projects t. d.
Distributed integrated systems as the main tools used: client-server architecture. It allows workstations and one or more central PCs distributed execution of applications using the processing power of each computer.
Most systems use a client-server database (DB) and database management systems (DBMS). For successful project management requires that the data obtained during the planning and execution of the project, were always available to all project participants; telecommunication systems; portable computers; Software support group work, providing: e-mail exchange; workflow; group scheduling activities; remote team members participate in interactive discussions by means of supporting and managing discussions; conduct "brainstorming", giving participants an opportunity to express their views with the help of computers connected to a single large screen.
Internet / Intranet technologies are near businesses and projects.
They provide access to information projects without requiring the organization to its considerable resources. Placing the project site on the Internet is the best and probably the only way to inform participants about his condition in cases where they are located in different parts of the globe.
Create a web-page form the web-site, which is located at the ISP´s server, which provides access to it for remote users from around the world. In relation to project management in the form of web-pages can be published calendars network schedules, reports (graphical and tabular), minutes of meetings and any other documents relating to the project.
Intranet based on the same elements as the Internet. The fundamental difference between them lies in the fact that a user Intranet is a limited number of persons who, as a rule, are employees of a particular corporation, organization, or enterprise.
Videoconferencing can transmit audio and video on local area networks and the Internet. Apply the same voice conference for computer telephony on the Internet.
Integrated information systems to support decision-making. Decision-making process - the process of selecting the optimal solution among the alternatives boil Antes.
Decision Support System connection complex software, simulation, statistical and analytical models and processes of the project for the preparation of solutions for its implementation.
Structure of an integrated information system to support decision-making in many ways defines the structure adopted in the framework of the project and organization management processes. As a consequence, it can be structured by: stages of the project cycle; Feature; levels of government.
Мазур И.И, Шапиро В.Д., Ольдерогге Н.Г. - Управление проектами. изд. «Омега-Л»- Москва. 2007. 76 с.
Шагирбаева Айсулу Алматкызы Information technology and project management system. // Современные проблемы науки и образования - 2014.-№6. (приложение "Технические науки"). - C. 45