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Izatullayev E.A.,Zhankalova Z.M.
Kazakh National medical university named after S.D.Asfendyarov,Almaty,Kazakhstan
"Godex" is the combination of "Hepadif" preparation and difenyl-dimethyldicarboxilate (DDD)stimulates regeneration of hepatocytes due to presence in it carnitine orotate and anti-toxic fraction of hepatic extract with anti-toxic properties is known to suppress peroxidation of microsomal hepatic lipids and also it stimulates hepatic microsomal cytochroms of P 450 system.It is well known that ethanol metabolism is realized by three ways, one of which is P 450 system of cytochrome.
In the study there were enrolled 22 patients with hepatic cirrhosis of viral etiology and 9 ones with the same diagnosis but of alcoholic etiology.
Methods of investigation
Patients:The studies were carried out on the patients suffering from hepatic cirrhosis at the outcome of chronic viral hepatitis C and drinking alcohol.The causes of patients visits to a doctor were the followings:ascites -15 patients,portal hypertension -10 ones,jaundice-6 ones.According to Child-Pew criteria 11 cases were classified as class A and 20 cases as class B.During two months on administering this preparation the patients did not take another anti-viral remedies and hepatoprotectors.Laboratorial indices:In the clinico-diagnostic laboratory of Kaz.NMU professor clinic there were studied the following biochemical indices: AlAt,AST, GGTP,total bilirubin,albumin,prothrombin index,number of platelets in the blood serum. before the treatment and in two months after taking "Godex" preparation they did not significantly changed
Biochemical indices before- and after treatment by "Godex" preparation
in patients with hepatic cirrhosis of viral etiology during 2 months
Indices before in 2 months
ALT (mkkat/l) 1,28±0,43 0,83±0,26
AST (mkkat/l) 0,74±0,30 0,82±0,35
Total bilirubin (mkmol/l) 37,9±6,06 27,82±4,32*
GGTP (units) 73,5±8,22 67,9±7,45
Albumin (g/l) 41,41±3,70 43,26±4,48
Platelets 132,14±58,33 140,62±62,07
Prothrombin index74,1±9,3 77,6±8,2
In 9 patients with alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis there were changed the indices of AST.At the beginning of the treatment they exceded the indices of ALT by two times.There was the tendency to those indices reducing seen in tab.2 and there were observed the deviations of total bilirubin index (p<0,05)in the table.
Table 2
Biochemical indices before- and after treatment by "Godex" preparation
in patients with hepatic cirrhosis of alcohol etiology during 2 months
Indices before in 2 months
ALT (mkkat/l) 0,68±0,43 0,54±0,26
AST (mkkat/l) 1,12±0,30 0,88±0,35
Total bilirubin (mkmol/l) 38,74±5,97 28,69±5,17
GGTP (units) 72,8±7,97 68,2±6,89
Albumin (g/l) 41,41±3,70 43,26±4,48
Platelets 131,14±61,14 139,54±63,12
Prothrombin index 73,8±8,9 75,9±7,9
Thus under the influence of 2-months using "Godex" preparation in patients with hepatic cirrhosis there were marked the statistically significant changes (p<0,05) on indices of AlAT and total bilirubin.
In the present study there were no side effects in the patients taking"Godex"preparation.Changes of RNA VHC were not statistically significant.Conclusions:taking "Godex" preparation results in improving the pointed biochemical indices in patients with hepatic cirrhosis.Besides this preparation does not influence significantly on the level of viral hepatitis C RNA.In patients with hepatic cirrhosis of
alcohol etiology there was marked the tendency to reducing transaminase due to AST as well as ALT.Although lowering the progressing of hepatitis C with outcome into hepatic cirrhosis has the direct relation to reducing level of viraemia it should be recommended to study the influence of this preparation on the given index in the patients with chronic hepatitis C without signs of hepatic state decompensation.The results of the present investigation enable to consider that using "Godex" preparation may slow down the progressing of hepatic cirrhosis resulted from viral hepatitis C and abuse of alcohol.
Изатуллаев Е. А., Жанкалова З. М. Годекс в лечении пациентов с циррозами печени. // Современные проблемы науки и образования - 2009.-№6. (приложение "Медицинские науки"). - C. 26